LALIZAS élargit sa présence commerciale sur le continent américain : Nouvelle succursale au Canada

Quelques mois après l'annonce de l'acquisition de REVERE Survival à Jacksonville, nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer une autre expansion significative : l'établissement de LALIZAS Canada. Cette nouvelle succursale renforcera la présence de l'entreprise sur le continent américain.

LALIZAS est une entreprise familiale dont la vision est de fabriquer des produits de haute qualité qui assurent la sécurité en mer et de les distribuer sur les marchés internationaux grâce à son réseau de distribution bien établi. Nous possédons actuellement 10 succursales en Espagne, en Italie, en Croatie, au...

LALIZAS UK Announces New Owned Offices and Warehouse in Portsmouth

We are proudly announcing our newly acquired LALIZAS UK offices and warehouse in Portsmouth.

As an integral part of the LALIZAS Group, our UK Branch offers a comprehensive safety solution for commercial, leisure and military marine markets from the LALIZAS lifesaving and firefighting equipment. Additionally, these offerings include products from premium manufacturers that are also part of the LALIZAS Group, such as, ARIMAR life rafts and inflatable boats, NUOVA...

LALIZAS announces the acquisition of Revere Survival

LALIZAS is thrilled to announce the successful acquisition of Revere Survival, a US-based manufacturer & distributor of liferafts and other premium survival equipment for the recreational and commercial markets; a move that marks a significant milestone in the company’s journey towards continued growth and expansion.

#thelalizasforce has already developed a strong presence in the US market since 2018 with the acquisition of